21 years ago, my uncle was killed during an altercation between a policeman and a fridge repairman.
On that day, a policeman was walking down the street when he noticed a familiar face sliding a fridge down my grandmother's estate steps. "I know him," the policeman thought, his hand still inside the corner-street garbage can. His hand was inside a garbage can, because he suspected he had accidentally dropped his set of jail keys earlier, along with the wrapping of his spicy merguez baguette. He loved to eat a merguez. He loved them so much that he often said he would lose his mind when eating them. He found the merguez flavor full and satisfying every taste-bud on his tongue. More importanty, eating merguez took him deep into his childhood. His father made them on summer Saturday afternoonsl. And he missed his father. “Do I compare every merguez automatically to those of Papa? If so, it could be risky, as I know and love the flavor of merguez so well - especially Papa’s - that it may make me cynical about other shop’s merguez.” He paused. “Or what if I like a new merguez more than Papa’s…?” This thought immediately made him sad. The policeman decided that he was thinking too much about this matter and that he would have to answer this questions at another time. “What would Papa be doing now? At 92… I wonder if he would be even more forgetful. He always lost his keys - keys!” Distracted by his lunch, and resulting lost keys, he grew more anxious to approach the young guysuspicious fellow, he gave up on the keys and His investigative skills bothering him, the policeman removed tended to lose his keys when he was a My uncle was a helpful man, but had an unusually specific temper. He always lashed out at lazy people. Once I saw him throw a cat out of the kitchen window. Luckily a tree. The family still doesn’t know whether he was aware of the tree. It isn’t visible from the window because the countertop pushes your stomach away from the glass. “Oh I know he was there,” he would say smiling. “She doesn’t sit around anymore, does she?” Technically he was right, we didn’t have evidence to contradict him, but that was more for the fact that we never saw her again. Like 4 ouf of 6 cats in grandmother’s estate, she was a stray, so like strays do, whenever they find a superior residence they packed their imaginary cat-bags and sit around someone elses house. Only the children in the house are left crying, as the adults understand by working-age, that you have to contribute to society to be worth anything; to be missed, at least “I am always chasing the “Am I alwasyu He saw the baguette as just the vehicle to take in the merguez, resenting the extra carbohydrates the baguette provided. He was already 20 lbs heavier . He wasn't sure whether it was his muscle mass that made up the 20 lbs surplus or the overhanging belly that turned his stomach from roughed cliff to rotund boulder. |
Prison in Alabama some time to get used to for cousin Scotty. Scotty read a lot of comics, Superman mainly, and had an odd fascination with fire. He didn't understand how it was made, where it came . His expertise in fire-making made this
Where did it start? Did you see it? What happened? How is this possible?